We have spent some time the last few days making a list of things we are thankful for. I thought you might enjoy reading what a 3, 5, and 8 year old along with two grown ups in rural Nebraska might be thankful for. It is, by no means, exhaustive and we may continue the list but for now....enjoy. (try to figure out who added what to the list)
- bed
- feet
- I'm not sick
- Jesus
- thankful for people - even sick people
- my bottom
- coloring books
- colors
- cousins
- Uncle Kari and Aunt Andy (exactly what she said)
- pencils
- markers
- scissors
- grocery stores
- pop helpers
- sunday school
- suckers
- Bible
- chocolate bars
- sunshine
- dogs
- our new trash can
- Chinese food
- Jesus
- ears
- farm
- diapers (you guessed it that was mine!!!)
- Daddy
- Mommy
- brothers
- Robin
- house
- my brothers baseball team
- my chalkboard
- Mason
- Camden
- Kenna
- John Deere tractors
- Chinese People
- world
- The President
- Mrs. Ronnfeldt
- Wes and Dove (neighbors)
- church
- Bible Study
- friends
- Gatsby
- people - even if they talk different languages
- uncles
- bathroom
- CD's
- music
- butter
- mommy and daddies
- Kass the mail lady
- TV and shows
- that I can go with Dad to the farm
- light bulbs
- apple juice
- water
- washing machine
- dryer
- mower
- computer
- grandpa
- for the word "wash" ???? (not mine)
- school
- Cornhuskers
- baskets
- paper
- Christmas
- underwear
- world
- Jesus
- four children (for the record, this was Ben's contribution to the list)
- brain
- yogurt
- Jim
- pop tarts
- snow
- new cousin (Reagan's brother or sister)
- the release of bodily gasses (another of Ben's contributions - I was trying to be serious and keep the kids on task and he was really throwing out some great ones!!! he went on to report that if we didn't excrete these gases we could die - to which I replied - and if/when you do I might die!!)
- car
- policeman
- silverware
- eyes
- table
- Mrs. Beacom
- I'm just thankful that all the kids are in bed! and I'll be more thankful when they are asleep.
Happy Thanksgiving week to everyone!! Seriously, we have thousands of things to be thankful for - make a list. It's kind of fun.
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