Friday, December 19, 2008


that we didn't wake up to this sixteen years ago. Our wedding day was snow covered by not piled high and the sun was shining! The kids were thrilled to have a snow day and I was not as dazzled by the idea. (Don't I deserve one more day before the 15 day Christmas vacation! Heck it is our anniversary! ) The kids decided that it was a holiday BECAUSE of our anniversary. Ben headed to work at the crack of dawn and slipped and slided all the way to Fremont. We awoke and got our snow clothes on and started scooping and scooping.

I mostly scooped everyone else played or complained. I have to say the snow was quite heavy for the kids so I cut them a break!!
Makenna spent her time searching for the hidden treasures under the snow...flamingoes! Flamingo is a verb in our community. It is a fundraiser for the Close Up students and I believe my mom PAID for them to fly to our yard to celebrate the snow and of course our anniversary. The kids think it is so funny that we were "flamingoed"!

We had about 8 inches and if you complain enough and know the right people you may just have one of these drive up and save you lots of time.

Thanks DAD!!


Suzanne said...

We are all snowy too! My car can't get out, which is great as I love to stay home.

How lovely that your Dad can come plow for you. (wistful sigh)

Love your new blog look.

Suzanne said...

oh, and happy anniversary.