Saturday, December 04, 2010


I do not collect things. I clean with a black garbage bag and don't find myself successful until it is full of trash and junk. My daughter is not like me. She collects everything and I have the opportunity to throw lots of her "stuff" away. This morning she was cleaning out her backpack and she informed me that she is now collecting all the milk rings from her classmates after milk break. Milk rings ---is that crazy? am I crazy?


Kris said...

First of all, Makenna is your mini-me! I haven't seen you in years, but that is you!!

Second, I have a collector in Reagan. There is a great book - Prudy Has a Problem - about a little girl who collects everything, even candy wrappers. She stashes them away and it becomes a problem. Every once in a while I call Reagan "Prudy".

Purging with a big bag while they are at school is key - then they'll never know!! Go, fight, win!

b smiles said...

She is getting so pretty! Weird that your kids are growing up so fast. boo.

I have to fight my kids from collecting trash, too. I will forever be remembered as saying, "You can't have that because it's trash and we don't keep trash!"