Thursday, January 15, 2009

a week alone???

I have conjuctivitis, (not sure on the spelling) in layman's terms, pink eye. I have never had it in my life. I remember in junior high and high school there was this one girl, Suzy Miller, and she had it quite often. I have a new appreciation for her. Not only do I look like I have been on an all night binge, it is kinda sore and scratchy. I am keenly aware that I will be fine and it will go away but I was warned on the extreme contagiousness. I thought sure the doctor would recommend me spending through the weekend in a hotel room far from my home but he didn't. He indicated that hand washing would do the trick. Dang.


Suzanne said...

Sometimes doctors need to be prompted . . .

:::{Emma}::: said...

hey sandy, i have tried to email you, but its not working... so i wanted to tell you that i changed by blog name to

instead of the mint condish... :)

long story...

Love, Emma