Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Makenna's camera

Makenna got a camera for Christmas and I am ashamed to say that we just loaded her photos to the computer yesterday. She had some really great pictures. Of her 500, I chose these to highlight!
She takes photos everywhere, this one in the car.
Mason is 5!
Camden and his favorite boy cousin: his only boy cousin, Drew.
Makenna took 100 photos during the Holiday Bowl. This was one of her best- meaning she had lots of blurry photos of kids running and being wild.
Camden being a phony!! He fakes sleep a lot!
Reese and Reagan at Christmas!
Someone must have told her to get in front of the camera with Aunt Jacque.
A random photo at church with friend, Josie. She always has her camera at church. I am not sure why.

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